Reducing Your UI Tax Rate Starts with Improving Your Experience Rating

  • Unemployment claims filed against your company (both the number and claims amount) 
  • Your taxable payroll 
  • Your UI taxes paid 
  • Total benefits charged to your UI account 
  • Reserve Ratio Method. The reserve ratio is the difference between your UI taxes paid and the benefits paid to claimants that were charged to your account, divided by your average taxable payroll. If the amount of benefits charged is greater than the amount of tax paid, your reserve balance will go down and your experience rating will go up (and vice versa). 
  • Benefit Ratio Method. The state calculates the ratio of benefits paid out to your former employees that were charged to your account vs your taxable payroll. As this ratio increases, so does your experience rating (and vice versa). 

How Your Industry Impacts Your Experience Rating

Use These Strategies to Reduce Your Experience Rating